Saturday, 26 March 2016

Easy Tips To Add and Install Extra TV Points In Your Home

The advent of digital television and the decreasing prices of television set in Australia have made more and more homes the multiple screen households now-a-days. With a television in your living room, getting together the whole family to watch television is no longer the only option. Many people have televisions in their bedrooms, homes, offices and kitchens. But what you will do, if you have a single antenna TV point?
More numbers of newly built homes and apartments have shared antennas, feeding multiple connection points throughout properties to enable watching different televisions from the same antenna. This work can be done by a large distribution box on the antenna site to feed the main coaxial cable into. Depending upon how many connections and the length of the cabling are needed, the signal is boosted, the extra TV points can be installed on other rooms.


Running Cables- The cabling is placed outside of the house and then it is fed into a room, where a small box is kept on the wall to accommodate the connector to connect with your television. Using this process to install your own TV output point is the one of the best ways to have an additional television in another room.
Remember that, digital television means that several channels are available at a single set price for a decoder or a new television with a digital tuner. That implies you won’t need to buy new set top boxes for each television. Hence, using a small indoor antenna can be workable in places where the broadcasting signal quality is high.

Use Superior Quality Equipments- Choosing a perfect antenna on the roof can make sure that you get an excellent picture quality every time you turn on your television. Even, the entire connection won’t cost you more and if you want to add a connection to another room, then rest assured that it can be done at reasonable costs. Therefore, you will need the following equipments and tools to add extra TV points in your home, like wire cutters, ladder, screwdriver, drill, sealant gun, hammer, cable distribution box, signal booster, wall cable tacks etc.

One of the simple ways to consider the extra TV points installation is by unhooking the antenna from the cable and dividing the signal with a two-way distribution box. Use just a top quality copper core coaxial cable to the two way splitter and operate this cable along with the outside of your home to your desirable room. Then, you just need to drill a hole through the wall into the room and connect the cable to all with the wall racks.

Weather Proof Your Job- Wherever the hole is made, connect the TV point box with the wall and attach the coaxial cables to the all other internal connections. Then you should seal the holes in the wall from both sides with a sealant to make it weather tight. Then you should connect the faceplate to the wall racks.


Boost Your TV Signal- There’s an availability of TV signal boosters for indoor antennas. Take the help from a local electrical specialist store to get the perfect external antenna signal booster, which can be connected to the mains to offer you the best attenuation on your TV signal.

A Final Word- If you are in doubt about the processes involved in the extra TV points installation in your home, simply contact a professional TV point installer to add extra TV points of Express Antenna Services to help you out. So schedule an appoint today and no doubt you will save more time and effort in the process.